Welcome to Musings.

Love, Relationships, and God’s Divine Essence
“Truth is the foundation on which love exists.”

Footloose and Fancy-Free
“If only I'd known, then
that all the time
I spent with someone else,
I needed you with every inch of myself.”

Diving Deep On The Nature of Time
Remember the past. Yes. Plan for the future. But live in the moment!

Rest Assured
“Mr. President, you have been accused of being a fascist. What do you say to that?”

America, Quo Vadis?
“America, Quo Vadis?
Where are you going? Backward? Must we relive Plessy v. Ferguson all over again?”

A Matter of Perspective
Would you say we have more knowledge today about most things in general than we had, say, in 1960?

The Way It Is
“Regardless of our beliefs, belief system, or religion, the world is as it is and affects us all.”