Affirmation. Inspiration, Motivation
Live the life God has given you as positively, and as responsibly, as you possibly can.
Live the life God has given you as positively, and as responsibly, as you possibly can.
“Unlike belief systems and religions built on fear or fantasy, the Philosophy of the Divine Law treats you like an adult: capable, responsible, accountable, and worthy of freedom rooted in truth.”
“In all things, seek and accept the truth. And never forget that the choices you make determine the quality of your life.”
“Building a strong relationship starts long before a relationship begins. It starts when you know who you are.”
“Accepting and embracing the meaning that others or social institutions have given to life diminishes our own.”
“The origin of life on Earth is the product of myriad events that happened over billions of years.”
“We hope our presentations have encouraged you to seek and accept the truth, reminded you of your role and responsibility to others in our shared reality, and compelled you to think beyond your beliefs!”
“Thinking beyond our beliefs opens our minds to questioning and expanding our views.”
“Why have so many debased themselves and become complicit sheeple?”
“You get the government you elect. Therefore, you get the government you deserve!”
“It is the reality we share, in which God has created me, on which I am to focus my concern.”
"We are boarders on a small planet, nourished by a small star, in a small solar system, in a vast universe. Together, we are all we have."
“Our beliefs, whether cultural, philosophical, political, religious, or myriad others, greatly influence our behavior. “
"No matter our differences, we are all one species. And regardless of our status or station in life, we all have the same purpose. To practice the Divine Law."
"Life would be much more fulfilling if we put aside our beliefs and practiced the truth of our shared reality from the beginning of our lives."
"...after we have passed on. Those we leave behind will eventually follow. And the impact of whatever we believed will inevitably… fade!"
"There are no secrets to success! In our shared reality, clear paths lead to achieving every goal and acquiring every material desire. Ours is to undertake their course and perform the labor required to navigate them to their destination."
"...more profound than a dictionary definition is the physical, mental, and emotional attachments we form with family, friends, lovers, co-workers, pets, and other aspects of our lives to satisfy our desire to feel socially fulfilled."
"What does it mean when someone says, I believe in God? What does it help you to know about them?"
"Why we exist and how we came to be here are unanswerable questions that have led humankind to mysticism, superstition, and mythology."
"Our primary concern should not be how or what created the universe, but the challenges we face living in it."
"No matter our race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, or social status, we are all equal as human beings."
“Truth is not dependent upon a believer. And remains the truth, regardless of whether anyone accepts it.”
“Everything you will ever need to build a quality and prosperous life in our shared reality is already available.”
“Today is a new day. A unique opportunity to create yet another scene on an unused portion of the canvas we call life!”
“Do not fall prey to seeking constant and complete happiness. Instead, seek lifelong progress toward being happy.”
“Focus on the beauty of life. Exchange negativity for positivity. Anger for peace. Turbulence for calm.”
“Humankind will never overcome its divisions until we open our minds and close our scriptures.”
“No one knows anything about the god they worship that they can show testable and provable evidence of to another person.”
“There is no such thing as Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion through division. Unity through separation. Or peace through war.”
“Today is the first day of the rest of your life. What are you going to do with it?”
“There is something more than me. Within and without. Something that touches my existence and draws me closer to Its own.”
“The Earth belongs to all its inhabitants. Humankind or otherwise. But it's humans who have the ability to prevent our planet's social and ecological destruction.”
“We live and relive a consistent pattern of division. Taking all we can for ourselves and sharing, as little as possible, with others.”
“Good and Evil are not separate entities but opposing aspects of a single identity. Duality! Like the two sides of a coin, one does not exist without the presence of the other.”
“I thank Thee for this day; I thank Thee for Thy blessings; I thank Thee for watching over me.”
“If you do the labor your goals require, you will achieve them.”
“We squander our time, resources, and our talents. Only to look back with regret. “If only!” We reflect. “If only.””
“Achieving one's goals does not require faith, believing in, or praying to a deity. But doing the labor one's goals require.”
“To live our lives to the fullest, it is not our fate that we must accept, but the truth of the reality we share!”
“We are born, we live for a brief period in time, and we die.
All else is speculation!”